Is all that winter food catching up to you? Remember that summer bodies are created in the winter. But don't worry you still have time. It's never too late too start as long as you start now.
My biggest problem is to get motivation. Motivation to start and to keep going.
motivation to start dieting:
Motivation to keep dieting:
If you want to be successful in you're diet don't set yourself up for failure.
DON'T set unrealistic standards: you wont lose 10 pounds in 5 days so don't aim too high or you'll lose motivation.
NEVER starve: You'll just end up binging. You'll lose all you're hard work
Now on to the actual diet. DON'T STARVE YOURSELF, it will only set you up for failure.
Start little. Cut carbs for dinner, don't eat anything outside of you're meals, PORTION CONTROL, etc. Start being more aware of what you eat like calorie intake sodium, and sugars.
Cut out processed food, sugary and high calorie stuff, and all the junk, you'll see huge results in just a few weeks.
You can eat food and eventually get too full to keep going but you don't really get full with drinks, that's why sugary drinks are so fattening. Cut out all sugary drinks, drink water or (real!) juice instead.
You're never really aware of what you eat a meal log helps you keep track of how much you ate and how much you should eat, trust me it helps tons. I use lifesum which is amazing because it personalizes a diet plan just for you and gives you tips apart from helping keep you aware of what you eat.
WORKOUT: You not only need to diet but you need to workout so you can burn all that fat off.
Cardio is the most important to burn fat. Cardio is easy what's hard is you're mentality. Never say you can't because we all know you can. Force yourself to keep going because you know you're unstoppable.
It also helps you get in shape and tone you're butt and legs.
Tone you're body, you might already have abs they're just hiding underneath you're fat.
Listen to music, it gets you going.
You can either feel sore or guilty the next day it's you're choice.
The easiest way too end temptation is too not buy junk. The temptation ends outside of the house.
We all binge sometimes, some more than others. Find a cure to your binging. It only takes 21 days to end a bad habit so just sacrifice a month for a lifelong of benefits.
If you stress eat try to relax or workout to relieve you're stress,
If you eat when you're bored keep yourself occupied,
If you eat your problems learn to face them and find other outlets.